
Friday, August 27, 2010

Thoughts about Death

Today, just wanna pour my thoughts and feelings out
Everytime, when i see people walk past me and news about people dying
no matter was it about being burned or killed
But i would always relate it to me
whether this would happen to me
Then, i always think
Where will i go if i die?
Will i really see Jesus?
Will i really be in heaven?
Or was it just something to calm myself down when i die?
Will i go straight to hell,maybe because Jesus was a fake god?
While the Buddhist or Muslim's god are true?
and then if i will die in hell,why would i choose to trust in Jesus?
Because no matter what i do or believe,it just leads me to hell
and i heard lots of people saying about recarnation and all those
Then linking to that why would i choose to Love God since
i will still be recarnated
And death is really scary to me
I will always be terrifed about this topic
I am scared that the God i trust wasnt true
the Jesus i loved has never died for me
Then, i remembered this verse
The most important verse that every christian should know
and understand
and its so simple in its words
JOHN 3: 16
and i realise that he did show me his powers
like some of my friends have anointing
the power of tongues
and my leaders who are being chosen to serve him
And most importantly my life
it was all because of Him
and im so willing to serve him now
because im being loved by him