
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Luke 6:46

And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do
not the things which I say??  Luke 6:46

Did we really walk our own way?
Did we went on to create our own paths?

-During Jesus' age, different kind of people went to Him
to get healed,bless and cast demons out of them and they praised Him
and called Him "Lord", but they did not follow Jesus instructions for them
Jesus told them not to tell anyone about their healing and go to the high priest
to get themselves examine and to be proclaim clean...but they did not follow his
words and went on to tell others about it

-Does this people look like us? In fact, we are the replicas of them
we went into the church. We searched for God's presence and we asked Him
to bless our business,wealth and health....When He blessed us all these
we are to glorfiy Him but some of us would go on to lead that normal life
as though you are the one holding the future or you managed to steer the
company out of huge debts

-We are like those people, we receive but we didnt listen carefully to what God/Jesus
said to us...we didnt wait...we just want it now....we want it fast...

-We can pray for good business,but if you dont wait and hear what the Lord have to say
or tell you how are you going to do wont get it
and as humans we dont blame ourselves but we blame God for everything
we might say :" why God?,Why? I thought you are the greatest and kindest? why? wont you let my
business prosper?"
have we think that it was us all along?
that we wont listen to what He has to say?
What he has in mind to make us prosper forever?

and this is also the reason why some of the Jews didnt believe in Jesus
because they only think that Jesus is like an ordinary person
but in fact he was the Savior waiting for His death

So,the conclusion is not just to listen to the first part and run off.Continue to wait for the Lord,
He might not answer straight away but He will for everything he have in mind is good for you
and you alone