
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Isaiah 12:2-3

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid:
for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.”
Isaiah 12:2-3

-God is my salvation:

-Why is it God is my salvation?

-Because he came in the form of a human

-Lived as a human

-Though he was a spirit, he made Jesus to come

-down from heaven to earth

-to have one purpose, and one purpose only

-and is to die on the cross for all our sins

-no matter minor or worse

-all the different sins are compiled into one and

-its being thrown onto his body

-every kind of sins

-even sickness and suffering

-Jesus took it all

-So he became our salvation because

-He saved us from many sins

-In fact, all of the sins

- and many sicknesses that would come into our way

-because he saved us

-he is now sitting on the right hand of God

-Being with the Father and the Spirit

- will trust, and not be afraid

-Trust because he has lived for you

-he has shown you the way

-the truth and the life

-and he said Nobody can come to the father except through him

-So before meeting God

-You must know and acknowledge him

-So that he can say to the father that

-This is your child

-who has accepted me, who has lived his life for me

-just as i lived for him

-who has praise you for your glory

-you wisdom

-and you love

-he/she is the one that i died for and has lived for me

-He/she is the one that i love and loves me back

LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song

-He is our strength because we gave our weakness in exchange for his strength

-Thats why this is the beautiful exchange

-he is willing to exchange the bad for his good

-And he is the only person we can depend on because

-your parents are going to pass away,leaving you all alone

-your siblings are going to pass away, leaving you to fend for yourself

-your loved ones are all going to pass away , leaving you and your love

-so now in this times, learn to see God

-Learn to see His greatness and Love

-Learn to praise him, in this times

-he is your song

-you sing only to him

-you dont sing a worship song for your wife to enjoy

-you sing it for your God to enjoy

-and you sing out of love

-if there is no one you can love

-There is always God for you

-He is always there

Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.”

-Because he is your salvation and you can depend on him

-Draw water from him out of slvation

-is to ask him for help in your times of need

-and because he is your slavation

-he will save you from your deepest problems and troubles

-nothing is impossible with God

-Because he was the one that created the earth

-Nothing on earth can be bigger or better then our creator

-If a creation is bigger then the creator

-then why would a creation be made

-why cant it make the creator

-likewise, if our problems are bigger then God

-then why cant problems sovle themselves?

-God is bigger and better then anything

-even the greatest problem

-doesnt stops him

-even the hardest math question

-without using formulas

-he knows the answer

-So praise our great and mighty God, for he stands for us

-he allows us to dwell in his presence

-he is willing to change our weakness for his strength

-his joy for our sadness

-His love for our depression