
Friday, August 27, 2010

Thoughts about Death

Today, just wanna pour my thoughts and feelings out
Everytime, when i see people walk past me and news about people dying
no matter was it about being burned or killed
But i would always relate it to me
whether this would happen to me
Then, i always think
Where will i go if i die?
Will i really see Jesus?
Will i really be in heaven?
Or was it just something to calm myself down when i die?
Will i go straight to hell,maybe because Jesus was a fake god?
While the Buddhist or Muslim's god are true?
and then if i will die in hell,why would i choose to trust in Jesus?
Because no matter what i do or believe,it just leads me to hell
and i heard lots of people saying about recarnation and all those
Then linking to that why would i choose to Love God since
i will still be recarnated
And death is really scary to me
I will always be terrifed about this topic
I am scared that the God i trust wasnt true
the Jesus i loved has never died for me
Then, i remembered this verse
The most important verse that every christian should know
and understand
and its so simple in its words
JOHN 3: 16
and i realise that he did show me his powers
like some of my friends have anointing
the power of tongues
and my leaders who are being chosen to serve him
And most importantly my life
it was all because of Him
and im so willing to serve him now
because im being loved by him

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Isaiah 12:2-3

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid:
for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.”
Isaiah 12:2-3

-God is my salvation:

-Why is it God is my salvation?

-Because he came in the form of a human

-Lived as a human

-Though he was a spirit, he made Jesus to come

-down from heaven to earth

-to have one purpose, and one purpose only

-and is to die on the cross for all our sins

-no matter minor or worse

-all the different sins are compiled into one and

-its being thrown onto his body

-every kind of sins

-even sickness and suffering

-Jesus took it all

-So he became our salvation because

-He saved us from many sins

-In fact, all of the sins

- and many sicknesses that would come into our way

-because he saved us

-he is now sitting on the right hand of God

-Being with the Father and the Spirit

- will trust, and not be afraid

-Trust because he has lived for you

-he has shown you the way

-the truth and the life

-and he said Nobody can come to the father except through him

-So before meeting God

-You must know and acknowledge him

-So that he can say to the father that

-This is your child

-who has accepted me, who has lived his life for me

-just as i lived for him

-who has praise you for your glory

-you wisdom

-and you love

-he/she is the one that i died for and has lived for me

-He/she is the one that i love and loves me back

LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song

-He is our strength because we gave our weakness in exchange for his strength

-Thats why this is the beautiful exchange

-he is willing to exchange the bad for his good

-And he is the only person we can depend on because

-your parents are going to pass away,leaving you all alone

-your siblings are going to pass away, leaving you to fend for yourself

-your loved ones are all going to pass away , leaving you and your love

-so now in this times, learn to see God

-Learn to see His greatness and Love

-Learn to praise him, in this times

-he is your song

-you sing only to him

-you dont sing a worship song for your wife to enjoy

-you sing it for your God to enjoy

-and you sing out of love

-if there is no one you can love

-There is always God for you

-He is always there

Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.”

-Because he is your salvation and you can depend on him

-Draw water from him out of slvation

-is to ask him for help in your times of need

-and because he is your slavation

-he will save you from your deepest problems and troubles

-nothing is impossible with God

-Because he was the one that created the earth

-Nothing on earth can be bigger or better then our creator

-If a creation is bigger then the creator

-then why would a creation be made

-why cant it make the creator

-likewise, if our problems are bigger then God

-then why cant problems sovle themselves?

-God is bigger and better then anything

-even the greatest problem

-doesnt stops him

-even the hardest math question

-without using formulas

-he knows the answer

-So praise our great and mighty God, for he stands for us

-he allows us to dwell in his presence

-he is willing to change our weakness for his strength

-his joy for our sadness

-His love for our depression


Monday, August 16, 2010

Colossians 3:1-2

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek
those things which are above, where
Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things above, not on
things on the earth. Colossians 3:1-2

If you want to be rising up with Jesus,seek those things

that are above the world,where Christ sitting on the right hand of God
set your love for the things above not on the earth

-)If you want to rise to be with Christ you must firstly seek him,because

he is greatest human that lived above the qualifications and requirements of the world

even the richest man cannot compare to his greatnest

and now his stting at the right hand of God

seek him,bow to him, praise Him and Love Him

for he was the one that gives his entire life for you

he made himself to be beaten into a pulp that nobody would recgonize

he is here for you and now he wants you to be for him

he wants not ust your prayers,praise and lifted hands

but what he want most is your love for Him

Friday, August 13, 2010

Half Christian. Yes/No

I have been always thinking why do people call themselves Half-Christians?
( I hate this kind of people the most)
Why is there such a term?
And what does it mean to be a Half-Christian

-I asked around, some told me that because their parents were Buddist and they
are christians, so they becomes a half

-But I wonder...Jesus is your PERSONAL SAVIOUR, its by your desicion to choose
Him that allows you to be forgiven and become a Christian

-Why does a PERSONAL SAVIOUR gonna do with your parents?

-lets take an example, a phone is a personal item, where only you can use it
and you dont want your parents to use or to even touch it..that is personal
which just states that "its yours! "

-Jesus is a personal God,His yours when you believe in Him
-He is there for you and you alone
-He is for everybody but mostly being PERSONAL TO YOU!
-So, would you use your parents religion to mix with your own ?

and i tell you Jesus cannot be mixed with Buddism,Hinduism,Islam and others

-Jesus is living by the highger standard then the others

-He is not classified with the rest but above the rest

-For Jesus has a class of His own

-He does not belong to the world like the others

-He was sent from heaven to Earth for you and me


-He came to save,teach,gives faith, hope and most importantly LOVE,unlike the others

-He came to redeem not to condemn people

-He is here for every sins that must be paid

-His life is for you as it is his death

-For if he dies you live

-He is a sacrifical LORD

-you never see other gods doing such kind of thing like sending their own Son
to the earth to save mankind...none

-they did not demostrate Love but only their power

-They came only to teach and not to love and serve

-They want people to serve them not to serve people

But the Son of God came to serve His people

we are known as HIS PEOPLE!!!

He is the only true God, which have said he is the way,truth and life
no one comes to the Father,THROUGH ME

which says it all that Through JESUS, you see God


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing,
whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

-the conclusion of the whole matter, is trying to say about the end of the world

-because it is only by the end of the world where judgment would come for us

-and if we do what God had told us too, we succeed his test

-He shall bring all the things we have done when we lived on earth

-And look through our timeline of life

-see all the matter evil or good

-even the trival things are being seen by God's eyes

-theres not escape for every thing

-every everything you do,no matter good or evil

-secret or revealing

-He sees it all and he shall judge you accordingly to what you do

-So now before we leave this world

-lets do something

-lets keep our commandments and LOVE God

-You dont really fear God, for if you fear God, you will develop a seperation

-keep his commandments

-which is to Love your God,Your Lord and love your neighbour as you love yourself

-these are just two simple commandments

-God didnt give you so much commandments just two simple ones

-so why wouldnt we just follow these commands?

-and it is our responsibility

-its not a choice, its a MUST

-but God knows there are weaknesses in us

-so thats why, Jesus and the spirit is here

-Jesus came to show you the way

-while the spirit leads you to the end of it

-and God receive you with opened arms

Friday, August 6, 2010

Revelation 14:6-7

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, 
having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 
Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; 
for the hour of his judgment is come...? 
Revelation 14:6-7

-That was not an another angel, it is JESUS

-He came back to receive His people in His Kingdom

-Everlasting Gospel is the Good News that dwelled on the Earth

-To everyone around the world 

-Telling us that its time to go back to His presence

-Jesus came twice, 1st was to be tortured and suffered at the cross to forgive us 
from our eternal sin and it became a good news or gospel that is everlasting

-for JESUS blood in our body is everlasting and nothing but blood

-it dwell in us on this Earth

-To every country,every people,language and men

-Telling us to Fear the Lord and give Him the Glory 

-because now JESUS has come to Judge

-He was Judged but now it turn rounds for Him to Judge

-God gave JESUS the right to Judge people

-Because he was judged by men when he lived,tested and was grumbled on

-Now Jesus is trying to show that how he managed to live through
times of temptations, trials and being judged

-His trying to say that what he does will affect you

-If Jesus can live a sinless life on earth, why cant you?

-Your everlasting sins are forgiven

-You are sinless in God's eyes

(Isaiah 43:1)

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; 
I have called you by your name; you are Mine. (Isaiah 43:1)

-I to Jesus 
Fear not, for Jesus have redeemed you;
Jesus have called you by your name you are His

-why would Jesus call us by name?
what make us so worthy of it?
what did we do to make ourselves worthy?
Did we do all the good deeds for people to make us worthy?

-Answer is NO..We are never worthy even though, if we donate 100 thousand dollars
or provide for 30 orphans or even open a very very huge organization to provide
food or money for poor familes or kids

-We are not gonna earn by our deeds and our actions

-It is by His deed and action that causes us to be so worthy

-Even if we are big bosses and people respect us, would they really respect you
as in take you as a good leader? no, they would really fear you

-But if Jesus is in you and people respect you, is not that they want to respect you
they are respecting the One living inside of your life

-No matter what we do, we are still sinners and as sinners we are not forgiven
but by His grace and mercy we are released once again of the bondage of sin
into the deep mercy of His grace

-He Loves us so much that Jesus would die and we would live
so Jesus would suffer and we will be healed
So Jesus would be living for us that we can go to the heaven to see the Father

-He never abandon us, He will something be MIA but that is a test of faith
and he didnt promise to let you feel His presence all the time He is a Gracious God
who is willing to lay everything down for us

-Just like our parents that are willing to give their all to us
so whats more with God? He is the greatest Father living
If your parents could give you this, He can give even more

-He is God,No other but God alone...All he has he had sacrificed
so now its your turn...what you have sacrifice it
it doesnt have to be your life 
as in to go through the whole process of suffering at the cross
because the cross stated that You are Forgiven

-Give Him what you have...Money for offering?
maybe its not alot but give in your all as for God gave everything to you 

the Cross

What does the Cross meant?
-To embarrass people of their deaths?
-Show people something?

Whenever the cross is being mentioned, people or in fact Christians will tend to see Jesus. 
Hanging at the cross with all His blood spilled...all so gory and disgusting.
But why would he be there? He aint a sinner....
Everything he did was all pure and holy,even if he faced temptations.He overcame all those and sins
He was just like another man living on this earth

But what made Him so special? Because He was the only Son of God that came to Earth all for the sake of mankind..Why? because He wanted You and God to be reconciled again 

He is like a bridge between two island,between God and Us

We say that when he was abandon by God we were graciously accepted
when he was condemned we were free

And when he was whipped by the roman guards, you were miraculously healed
So on this very day that from your birth you are born with a normal life
why? because Jesus has been whipped for you

During his time of being tortured, he was thinking about You...His Joy
he did not complain about the pain
You see carefully throughout his life 
that he did not complain that it was all a chore
he took it as a responsibility
He knows that it would bring a smile to God

And during the time of being hanged on the cross, he cried God,God why have you abandon me? so now we can say father,father why did you accept me?

Believe in that Jesus came for you and not against you 

He loves you so much till the extend of raising his arms and dying on the cross

He didnt much care about humiliation but only the people

So now dont be so seperated from God for you are redeemed and you have all the rights to pursue 
as the Child of God

Why wait? today is the day!

Matthew 13:45-46

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Matthew 13:45-46

-Change the merchant to Jesus 
-change the godly pearls to us
-change the "sold all that he had" to the blood
-change bought to redeem 

Again,the kingdom of heaven is Jesus,he went seeking for us:Who,where he had found us, went to the cross and died and use his blood to redeem us back

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mark 13:5-6

And Jesus answering them began to
say, Take heed lest any man deceive
you: For many shall come in my name,
saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive
many.?  Mark 13:5-6

-In the world we live today, there are many religions, for example

-They come in all sorts of shape and sizes
for eg the hindu Gods

-There are so many of it...but the Bible listed that there is only 1 God
a three in one God
none other then the Father,Jesus and the spirit

-this Gods that live in peoples live today deceived the people
they came in saying they are Christ which is another saying of they are God
but the are not...

-Their teaching falls far from the bible,they came to deceive many

-They dont love man but just teach them their wrong ways

-If they are God, then why dont they answer to their people's prayer?
-If they are God, why dont they tell their people through their spirit?
-If they are God, why cant the people feel loved?

-God is Love and this is the bottom line...without love you are not God
because God loved the world that he gave Jesus his only Son to die for our bloody
sins(john 3:16)
-If they are God..why dont they show that they love their people?
-Only In Jesus Christ we see the wonder and awe of God
because Jesus is the exact representation of God's Love
None but Jesus could show that great mercy and love for His people

So think  about it if Jesus was not a true God, then why would he come to
save us from our bloody hell sins?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Luke 6:46

And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do
not the things which I say??  Luke 6:46

Did we really walk our own way?
Did we went on to create our own paths?

-During Jesus' age, different kind of people went to Him
to get healed,bless and cast demons out of them and they praised Him
and called Him "Lord", but they did not follow Jesus instructions for them
Jesus told them not to tell anyone about their healing and go to the high priest
to get themselves examine and to be proclaim clean...but they did not follow his
words and went on to tell others about it

-Does this people look like us? In fact, we are the replicas of them
we went into the church. We searched for God's presence and we asked Him
to bless our business,wealth and health....When He blessed us all these
we are to glorfiy Him but some of us would go on to lead that normal life
as though you are the one holding the future or you managed to steer the
company out of huge debts

-We are like those people, we receive but we didnt listen carefully to what God/Jesus
said to us...we didnt wait...we just want it now....we want it fast...

-We can pray for good business,but if you dont wait and hear what the Lord have to say
or tell you how are you going to do wont get it
and as humans we dont blame ourselves but we blame God for everything
we might say :" why God?,Why? I thought you are the greatest and kindest? why? wont you let my
business prosper?"
have we think that it was us all along?
that we wont listen to what He has to say?
What he has in mind to make us prosper forever?

and this is also the reason why some of the Jews didnt believe in Jesus
because they only think that Jesus is like an ordinary person
but in fact he was the Savior waiting for His death

So,the conclusion is not just to listen to the first part and run off.Continue to wait for the Lord,
He might not answer straight away but He will for everything he have in mind is good for you
and you alone