
Thursday, July 8, 2010

CHAPTER 5 how do you define a Hero?

CHAPTER 5 how do you define a Hero?
-Unfortunately,we live in a life of celebrity worship...
-everything that includes,movies,stars,athletes,artists,musicians,wealthy,successful and powerful
-Reslut is that we we've been disappointed by these so-called heroes
-Politicians addicted to sex,Stars in rehab,Sports Heroes on steriods and etc...
-Why worship a fake hero and not a true one?
-a true hero__someone who has done something truly heroic
-Jesus was the truest of all heroes...none can compare
-General defination of a hero is: a remarkably brave person or someone who has shown great courage or strength
of character

-Jesus is a hero

-Reasons that followers of Jesus are so passionate about Him is simple,He is the
only person in human history who overcame death with his life
-Or specifically his blood


-Jesus had eternal blood that would save mankind
-having the blood wasnt enough,He had to shed that blood
-had to live a sinless life and get to the Cross
-Satan cant read minds but he formed something out of the scriptures,
something unique about Jesus
-satan tempted JESUS to sin in very way
-Lust of flesh
-lust of eyes
-pride of life
-JESUS resisted every temptation to sin and the pressure to quit
-JESUS displayed great bravery,courage and strength of charatcer
-in the face of extreme pressure...the type of pressure that would make anyone crack
-Literally,JESUS carried the weight of the world as He overcame these 3 pressures

-Pressure #1:temptation to Sin
-Man are known for sinful creatures that God has made
-Jesus as a man had to live this sinless life
-he was not sinless when he came,but has to live it throughout
-it wouldnt matter if he went to the cross if he sinned
-because his blood would be unacceptable
-he has to live a perfect life-as a man
-He was God 100% in his flesh,but he gave up the right of being God and being like us
-Everything he did on earth ,he did it as a man empowered by the Holy Spirit
-He had to live a sinless life from birth till death as a man
-once he sinned,then it would be the end of the human race
-we can never mend that broken relationship we have with God
-He was just like us...criticized,rejected,persecuted and tempted to sin-but he never did sin at all

-Pressure #2: Temptation to Live
-Jesus had to die and she His blood
-His purpose on earth was to sacrifice his life for everyone
-If he did not lay down his life on the cross
-we will all suffer and never go back to God
-Jesus knew that without the sheddding of blood there is no forgiveness
-He couldnt bail out
-Only His death would bring us life
-and he choose the Cross

-Jesus had to lay down His will to do God's will
-His life,He laid it down freely
-Our entire lifespan and eternalty+ Our generations and next next generations,
all depeneded on JESUS

-Pressure #3:temptation to Quit
-Jesus was God's ONLY Son
-IF he failed,were all lost
-If he sinned or back out from God's will
-death would always affect us to be eternally seperated from GOD
-Jesus wasnt one of the sons,he was the ONLY son
-think about the conversation God and Christ would have
"Okay Jesus,You're going first.Through the Incarnation You'll become the God/man
with he eternal blood that will save humanity.I want You to lay aside every advantage you have as God
and do this whole thing as a man--a substitude.Now,do your best,avoid sin and prepare Yourself for the
crucifixon.If it doesn't work out,dont worry,I'vs got a contingency plan.....I'll just send one of my other Sons...
-Bible says that Jesus was the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of the Father
from john 3:16

-when we read the Bible,we dont realise the difficult decisions Jesus had to make as a man
-He was God in flesh,but He laid down aside all rights as God,to be our legal substitude
-He resisted every temptation,Shed His blood
-gave his life in exchange for ours
-Literally and legally,took our place! Why???

-Jesus had the tought of Humanity being set free of sins,just like how God thinks of us
our sins being set free was a joy to him
-he was willing to die a shameful deathont the cross because of the JOY
-the joy was us!
-He was motivated to shed His blood
-He knew the joy that would be His
-redeemed mankind from sin and death into forgiveness and life with God!

-Jesus was very intentional
-he laid down his life VOLUNTARILY,for he have to right to lay it down
and take it again
-when the guards arrested Jesus,He reiterated who was in control
-He could have ask for God's help to get angels to rescue Him BACK
-but he knows the scriptures should be completed
-so he went to the cross on our behalf

JESUS defines a hero!

-He told God to take away the cup from him
-Jesus didnt wanted to die
-but even so,he says if this cup cannot be taken away until i drink it,Your will be done
-He knows that it was painful but for God's will and for gaining his JOY
-he was willing to go to the cross
-It would sound like this in morden language

-Father if there is any other way that You can do this
-any other way to provide eternal life and forgiveness for mankind
-I beg you to show me
-if its possible to have a do-over-snapping your fingers or accepting world religions
or good works as sufficient for redemption
-let the death pass from me
-i dont want to die and shed MY blood
-Please Father let it be
-but i wont choose what i want,i choose your will

-Sometimes we over-spiritualize Jesus' journey to the cross
-we dont realise that He,in His flesh,didnt want to be serverely beaten,spit,kicked
,mocked,whipped and brutalized to that point He was not recognizable as a human

-Our past,present and eternal future hung on one event ; the crucifixion
-It was the floolishness to many people these days:the wise,scholarly,philosophical
,acadamic and religious among us
to others it was God's hidden wisdom
-Jews ask for a miracle,Greeks looks for wisdom
-but to whom God has called both Jew and Greeks
-(Christ the power of God) and wisdom of God
-the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom and the weakness of God is more than man's strength
-but here, God has no weakness, He is a perfect God and He is no foolish either
he planned everything accordingly and well,if he was foolish and have weaknesses
how would he be called God?
-so God was a 100%(God's 100% was more then man's 100%) Clever God
-He has 100% strength
-and when Jesus said; it is finished,then it all ended onto the very body of Christ

-Jesus never starred a movie
-never shot a 3-pointer
-never had a public office
-never lived in berverly hills
-never recorded a CD
-didnt own a jet
but he lived a sinlees life,went to the cross and shed his blood