
Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today was a energy taking day!!! In school, it has already token a big portion of my time & energy for studies...
then after that went GYM and of course....somehow or rather you would be tired and most importantly......
the koreans and singaporeans gathering at it took my days off now tired

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today got school, as usual daily routine,where we study recess and everything inside a school...then after school went to kopitiam with YJ and Dixon....after lunch i went back to school to find some of my schoolmates and we went for our audition.
AT first i was totally disappointed in my own group
-no co-op
-being a nuisance
-and of course using different language
and i dont know why,just why would people blame others for their own faults
as what Job 40:2
Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? Let him who accuses God answer Him
So its basically,not a group problem but each individual problem
lets take a stanza
a leader that scolds the group for playing around....but individually they go one side and discuss among a few then say it out...but what is the difference between telling them and talk then tell?????????
Will you be contend that what you do is correction to what the others done wrong???
and by accusing the people = accusing God himself
because God is in the people
he came as a human to this hell hole we call earth
Will you be contend when you say about people's bad and then blame everything to others?
answer to yourself first whether are you to blame
i think this is human problem
we dont see the wood in our eye and we go and find the dust in other people eyes
= we dont see our own faults and we seek for others tinny mistakes
But ultimately i just want to be with god

Friday, July 16, 2010


Today, i went to get money from the bank because i want to buy a guitar.So inside of the bank there is always queuing and also the 1st come 1st serve rule...waited and done! i got my cash...but somehow i didnt buy it today cos i dont know where is the shop( im some what blur).So i went home after breakfast,then went off about 11 to collect my stuff from a seller at, this seller is really good he really gave a good description of how i the thing like and i like it so much so now im in church and i will end off here

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today, after school i had a competition. I prayed to God,that it might go the way i want...but I did not say let his will be i went on with the match,the 1st match was great we won the first match and when we win, we will of course feel great and also forget about God,but during the 2nd and 3rd match,we lost terribly.I was over at the side because of being subbed out of the match....and the whole game stipulation didn't go the way i want it to...then i found out something....before Jesus was captured,he told God to take the cup away from him,so that he will not die on the cross.But he added that it was not his will,but the Will of God....This was my should be God's will not my will...maybe he wants me to experience something during the match.....but every time we should do our plans and leave it to Him, let God change your plan, its okay for He knows whats the best for us.He wouldn't want us to suffer but to learn more about Him during something important .
Praise God for who he is and Praise God for giving the best to us

Friday, July 9, 2010


-Whats the big deal?
-A guy was crucified
-He wasnt the only person to die by such a hideous death
-those watching with natural eyes see an innocent man beaten to a bloody plup
hung on the cross by thugs
-Those watching with spiritual eyes see something else

-The visible world,can see how hideous was his death on the cross
-The invisible world,sipritual world, what really happened?
he became that invisible bridge between God and men
-Something spiritual happened in the invisible realm

-poeple saw Jesus as a blood man on a tree; the eye of faith sees Jesus on the cross
as our subsitute
-Jesus took our place
-He was our substitute

A Substitute take place of another

-E.g the school,where regular teacher gets released from the classroom
-Jesus as our substitute,showedup on the cross and paid for our sins
-So we could be released
-Jesus as our substitute went to hell for 3 days so we wouldnt have to go
there for eternity
-As our substitute,was raised from the dead
-we could be raised with Him all because of this!

-RECAP:teh wages of sin is death
-the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus
-Sin requires a payment
-God cant and wont wink at sin
-rather justice requires that a wage be paid for it
-wages of sin is death
-Its what happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve
-they sinned and death entered
-we've all sinned and we owe the debt of death!
-Jesus paid our debt
-He took our place
-He died for our sins
-He paid our wage and we got His gift


-Jesus was here
-He was on a mission and purpose
-rescue all of us from sin and death


-Jesus birth,life,ministry,death and resurrection were predicted before He came
-It was Isaiah that prohesied this magnificent Savoiur
-It was our weakness he carried;it was our sorrows that weighed Him down
-He was wounded and crushed for our sins
-We have left God's path to follow our own
-The Lord laid on Him the guilt and sins of us all
-who among the people realized that
-He was dying for their sins
-He was suffering their punishment
-Because of what He has experienced,my righteous servant will make it possible
for many to br counted righteous for He will bear all their sins
-He bore the sins of many and interceded for sinners(Isaiah 52:14,53:3-12)(short version)
-the cross wasnt about a man who survived beatings,mockery and torture
-is about the man who made a decision
-In the Garden of Gethsemane
-rescue mankind from the sin and eternal death that had plagued humanity since the
Garden of Eden
-His cross was our cross
-we deserved to be punished for our own sins
-He took our place
-we were crucified with Him
-Galatians 2:20

-After his death,He rose again after going to hell for 3 days
-and reign again as our substitue
-He rose from the dead
-This put Jesus in a class all by Himself
-He's alive today!!!!
-Jesus did after the resurrection was to take His own blood into
heaven's most holy place,where He poured it out on the eternal mercy seat for the salvation
of mankind!
-He is our eternal high priest
-When Christ can as high priest
-He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood
having obtained eternal redemption
-How much more,then,will the blood of Christ,who through the eternal spirit
offered Himself unblemish to God
-cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death
-I have come that may have life
-The good sheperd gives His life for the sheep
-1 mediator between God and men
-Hebrews 9:7-14
-john 10:10
-1 timothy 2:5-6

-light of all that we've looked at
-you see its an absolute insult to compare any past or present religion,religious leader
or icon to Jesus Christ
-they dont even are in the same class of Christ
-Jesus is the only 1 that can saves
-No one comes through the Father except through Me(john 14:6_
-he is the only one qualified to make such a statement
-Jesus died on the cross,it was blood and guts to the eyes of the physical world
-Jesus died on the cross,in the spiritual world, it was life over death

Thursday, July 8, 2010

CHAPTER 5 how do you define a Hero?

CHAPTER 5 how do you define a Hero?
-Unfortunately,we live in a life of celebrity worship...
-everything that includes,movies,stars,athletes,artists,musicians,wealthy,successful and powerful
-Reslut is that we we've been disappointed by these so-called heroes
-Politicians addicted to sex,Stars in rehab,Sports Heroes on steriods and etc...
-Why worship a fake hero and not a true one?
-a true hero__someone who has done something truly heroic
-Jesus was the truest of all heroes...none can compare
-General defination of a hero is: a remarkably brave person or someone who has shown great courage or strength
of character

-Jesus is a hero

-Reasons that followers of Jesus are so passionate about Him is simple,He is the
only person in human history who overcame death with his life
-Or specifically his blood


-Jesus had eternal blood that would save mankind
-having the blood wasnt enough,He had to shed that blood
-had to live a sinless life and get to the Cross
-Satan cant read minds but he formed something out of the scriptures,
something unique about Jesus
-satan tempted JESUS to sin in very way
-Lust of flesh
-lust of eyes
-pride of life
-JESUS resisted every temptation to sin and the pressure to quit
-JESUS displayed great bravery,courage and strength of charatcer
-in the face of extreme pressure...the type of pressure that would make anyone crack
-Literally,JESUS carried the weight of the world as He overcame these 3 pressures

-Pressure #1:temptation to Sin
-Man are known for sinful creatures that God has made
-Jesus as a man had to live this sinless life
-he was not sinless when he came,but has to live it throughout
-it wouldnt matter if he went to the cross if he sinned
-because his blood would be unacceptable
-he has to live a perfect life-as a man
-He was God 100% in his flesh,but he gave up the right of being God and being like us
-Everything he did on earth ,he did it as a man empowered by the Holy Spirit
-He had to live a sinless life from birth till death as a man
-once he sinned,then it would be the end of the human race
-we can never mend that broken relationship we have with God
-He was just like us...criticized,rejected,persecuted and tempted to sin-but he never did sin at all

-Pressure #2: Temptation to Live
-Jesus had to die and she His blood
-His purpose on earth was to sacrifice his life for everyone
-If he did not lay down his life on the cross
-we will all suffer and never go back to God
-Jesus knew that without the sheddding of blood there is no forgiveness
-He couldnt bail out
-Only His death would bring us life
-and he choose the Cross

-Jesus had to lay down His will to do God's will
-His life,He laid it down freely
-Our entire lifespan and eternalty+ Our generations and next next generations,
all depeneded on JESUS

-Pressure #3:temptation to Quit
-Jesus was God's ONLY Son
-IF he failed,were all lost
-If he sinned or back out from God's will
-death would always affect us to be eternally seperated from GOD
-Jesus wasnt one of the sons,he was the ONLY son
-think about the conversation God and Christ would have
"Okay Jesus,You're going first.Through the Incarnation You'll become the God/man
with he eternal blood that will save humanity.I want You to lay aside every advantage you have as God
and do this whole thing as a man--a substitude.Now,do your best,avoid sin and prepare Yourself for the
crucifixon.If it doesn't work out,dont worry,I'vs got a contingency plan.....I'll just send one of my other Sons...
-Bible says that Jesus was the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of the Father
from john 3:16

-when we read the Bible,we dont realise the difficult decisions Jesus had to make as a man
-He was God in flesh,but He laid down aside all rights as God,to be our legal substitude
-He resisted every temptation,Shed His blood
-gave his life in exchange for ours
-Literally and legally,took our place! Why???

-Jesus had the tought of Humanity being set free of sins,just like how God thinks of us
our sins being set free was a joy to him
-he was willing to die a shameful deathont the cross because of the JOY
-the joy was us!
-He was motivated to shed His blood
-He knew the joy that would be His
-redeemed mankind from sin and death into forgiveness and life with God!

-Jesus was very intentional
-he laid down his life VOLUNTARILY,for he have to right to lay it down
and take it again
-when the guards arrested Jesus,He reiterated who was in control
-He could have ask for God's help to get angels to rescue Him BACK
-but he knows the scriptures should be completed
-so he went to the cross on our behalf

JESUS defines a hero!

-He told God to take away the cup from him
-Jesus didnt wanted to die
-but even so,he says if this cup cannot be taken away until i drink it,Your will be done
-He knows that it was painful but for God's will and for gaining his JOY
-he was willing to go to the cross
-It would sound like this in morden language

-Father if there is any other way that You can do this
-any other way to provide eternal life and forgiveness for mankind
-I beg you to show me
-if its possible to have a do-over-snapping your fingers or accepting world religions
or good works as sufficient for redemption
-let the death pass from me
-i dont want to die and shed MY blood
-Please Father let it be
-but i wont choose what i want,i choose your will

-Sometimes we over-spiritualize Jesus' journey to the cross
-we dont realise that He,in His flesh,didnt want to be serverely beaten,spit,kicked
,mocked,whipped and brutalized to that point He was not recognizable as a human

-Our past,present and eternal future hung on one event ; the crucifixion
-It was the floolishness to many people these days:the wise,scholarly,philosophical
,acadamic and religious among us
to others it was God's hidden wisdom
-Jews ask for a miracle,Greeks looks for wisdom
-but to whom God has called both Jew and Greeks
-(Christ the power of God) and wisdom of God
-the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom and the weakness of God is more than man's strength
-but here, God has no weakness, He is a perfect God and He is no foolish either
he planned everything accordingly and well,if he was foolish and have weaknesses
how would he be called God?
-so God was a 100%(God's 100% was more then man's 100%) Clever God
-He has 100% strength
-and when Jesus said; it is finished,then it all ended onto the very body of Christ

-Jesus never starred a movie
-never shot a 3-pointer
-never had a public office
-never lived in berverly hills
-never recorded a CD
-didnt own a jet
but he lived a sinlees life,went to the cross and shed his blood


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chp3 Can we get a DO-over?

Chp3 Can we get a DO-over?
-Death seems so final but life could overcome it
at the fall,we were pronouced dead but God was crying to his heart
and say he will bring us back to him
-was there a Do-Over?'
-during games like tag,hide and seek,or even checkers
-you feel great about wining, you will be joyous
-Losing is just saddening that you simply call for a Do-Over
-God didnt like the result of Mankind's fall,why didnt God call for a do over?
-what about Plan B,C,D?
-Why didnt God say."Adam and Eve, you blew it! There's obviously a flaw in the mold
so,I'm going to call for a do-over.I have to eliminate you and start over
-And it would work because nobody would ever know whether God changed Adam and Even to 
Ken and Barbie
-His God, He can do everything he wants,cant he?
-alright then what about plan C?
-Adam and Eve,just say you're sorry-without rolling your eyes! I'm going to snap my finger
and on the count of three,we're just going to call all this forgiven and forgotten
-why didnt he, just snap his fingers? and everythig would turn out fine
-What about plan D
-maybe Adamn and Eve,just pick a religion and do ten good deeds and God will consider
the sins paid
-why couldnt all three plans worked?
-There's a reason...before we look at the reason,we concur that if God could have done anything
than send Jesus to the earth..He would ultimately die on a cross 
-shed his blood--He would have done it?
-if there was any other way to reverse 'death',securing a relationship with God and providing eternal life
-there is no doubt he would have employed it
-But God already has the rescue plan in place....why would God already have a rescue plan?
-because God was living out of time, he could already what would happen to mankind
-so he knows when to let this Master Plan take effect
-Life Blood
-only life can overcome death
-when Adam and Eve sinned...God cannot do the plan of B,C,D
-he had to do something legal,intentional and eternal
-Because even God,himself has to follow his own rules
-so God need to provide something that conquers death
and that is LIFE
-In Leviticus 17:1,it listed that life is in its blood,it is the blood,representing life
-life can only be found in the blood
-So God need a donor to import eternal life back to mankind

-The Old Covenant,God set up a system of blood sacrifices to provide forgiveness
and life to HIS people
-He went on to find blood(life) to impart back into humans
-The Passover, in Exodus 12:2-13,typifies the power of shed blood to overcome death and impart life
-of the people must use the blood on their doors,so the plague of death wont eneter them but...
he didnt say that when your inside of the house you must pray and pary and fast...
he didnt say taht so the people inside were either praying and fasting or even drinking 
-Hebrews 9:22...Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness
-its the legal way to free man of sins
-God was please of the shed of blood of the animals for tempo. cover
but it was temporary blood
-God needs an eternal blood,sinless one
-who serve qualified as the donor
-Type #1
Animals-they have blood,but their blood isn't eternal.Temporal blood could not provide perfect,eternal cleansing
Summary: Not a match

-Type #2
Man-we are eternal being and we have blood,but our blood was contaminated with death through sin
Summary: Not a match

God-God is eternal and sinless,but He is a Spirit and doesnt have a physical body with blood
Summary:Not a total match

God/Man--If God,who is eternal and sinless,become a human man with blood,this would 
provide the perfect eternal,sinless type of blood which is qualified to provide life
Summary : perfect match!

God became a man and put on flesh so that eternal,sinless blood could flow through his veins!
-know thestory t]--although,perhaps you dont really know the story,look at it with fresh eyes
-During the old Covenant,God was planing it already,a bigger plan that Old convenant 
__ThE Master Plan
-he prepared before foundations of the world
-God,sent Gabriel to tell a young teen name Mary
-He blessed her with His son
-He used the Holy Spirit to overshadow her
-and she was willing to give birth to the SAVIOUR!

-God knew Mary, was a girl who understands that how humble and sweet his spirit is
and she was not rebelious at all
-through Christ,born out of a virgin
-took a body as a baby and came to His own people
-his circulatory carried the only blood,which was eternal,sinless and full of life that sets man
free from death
-Jesus was God's Master Plan
-Now the Life was in His blood
-God humbled himself,and became a human
-how great was it,that God has to become like us but died a criminals death on the cross
-God made The Incarnation using the Holy Spirit to overshadow Mary 
-in the midst of it,God designed it to ensure that Jesus Blood will not be contaminated
with Mary blood
-God wants to erase not just cover but eredicate every sin

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chp2 is this a state of emergency?

Chp2 is this a state of emergency?
-Today,the world's a pretty distressing place.People are pretty much
-self promoting
-stuck up
- profane
-contemptuous of parents
-impulsively wild
-bloated windbags
-addicted to lust
and most importantly,allergic to God(2nd timothy 3:12 MSG)

Thousands of years ago,the Bible have already predicted how would we live in this world
-does this passage describe our world or what?
-this wasnt God's original plan.He defintely had something better in mind.

-God's original plan started with Adam...He scooped up some dirt and sculpted a statue
-he made a hunk out of dirt,Adam
-he amazingly,breathed the breath of life through Adam's nostrils and he came alive
-the bible listed that a statue became a man-living,moving,breathing person!
-God breath filled Adam and he became a man full of the LIFE OF GOD-spirit,soul and body
-then came EVE, token out of Adamn's rib..and both of them were in the Life-filled Garden
-Everything in the Garden was filled with loaded fruits and food..God gave them authority over everything
-Everything resounded with LIFE!(this was God's plan that is to give life)
-Genesis 1:26-28(thenGod said, 'Let Us make man in Our image,according to Our likeness;let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea,over the birds of the air and over the cattle,over all the earth and every
living thing
-)God created man in His own image, both female and male
-the plan was to saturate humanity with HIS life
-gave us everything we need(free will,sharp mind,rich abundance,healthy body,authority,blessings,great interpersonal relationship
with him!
-bless and prosper mankind
-everything that life represented

-Life was everywhere!
-Adam,Eve and the Garden were loaded with Life of God
-God's goal and desire for mankind was  LIFE and everything good
-it was summarize to life,life,life,life,life,life,life,life,life!
-death was not God's plan for us
-gives us free will with little instructions
-he gave adamn and eve everything in the garden except the knowledge tree of good and evil

-Lord told them,they would surely die if they eat the forbidden fruit
-Adam and Eve, allowed sin and death to enter into this perfect set-up
-they listen and obeyed the devil who tempted them through a pack of lies
-2 kind of death entered in us
-died spiritually and their hearts were seperated from God.
-died physically and their bodies expired more then 900 years later
-death->major problem for mankind,the original plan was ruined
by sin and death entered the Human race
-cataclysmic.Tragic  Mankind went into a 911 code blue condition!
a state of emergency
-the whole human race suffered the day Adam and Eve sinned
-because Adam= the whole mankind was implicated
-death reigin throught that 1 man that many were made sinners
-death was a seperation from God spread to all men
-this spiritual death or seperation from God created an internal aching void in all of us
-every person knows he or she is created with a life for God!
-we know there is an emptiness
-we try to fill it without God, using subsitutes;addictions,money,status,relationship
,material things,intellectualism,intoxication,parties,prestige and power
-but we end up being empty again(never satisfied)
death lodged in us so the hold is a God shaped hole is caused by death
-mankind had enjoyed a friendship with the Lord and lived life as God intended
-the minute they ate the forbidden fruit they died
-spiritual seperation happend,God resound life,life,life turns to death,death,death
because of the fall
-mankind needed supernatural life support
-God breathed life
-adam and eve sinned
-death entered
-Houston,we have a problem

Monday, July 5, 2010

CHP1 who says Jesus is the only Way?

CHP1 who says Jesus is the only Way?
-how can Christians be so narrow-minded,what about other religion
-why do we say that Jesus is the only way
-Jesus has been believed,received,exalted and worshipped or bashed,ignored,belittled and dissmissed
-people have an opinion about Jesus,God,the bible and faith

(narrow minded -> narrow gate-> God)(open minded->wide gate->destruction)

-majority people are very open in ther views of faith.
-is this a good thing? a politically correct thing? A tolerance thing? or a dangerous thing?
(to the people in the world, it can be a good thing,it is a politically correct thing
and it can also be a tolerance thing,but to Christians its a basic fact that its a dangerous thing)

-religion today, in the world is like a salad bar where people heap on the upbeat beliefs
and leave teh veggies like strict doctrines-behind

-in our current culture,more then seventy percent claim to be christian,we have a mixed bag of faith
-The idea that a person would believe in Jesus as the only way to God and eternal life is becoming a foreign concept

-is believing 'everything' a good thing-eternally?
-believers in Jesus,its even more important that we know what we actually believe
-why,who is Jesus? What does his life,ministries,death and resurrection goota do wif us?

-why does Jesus matter? What makes him so different? What makes him stands apart from other religious leader
-what makes his statements so unique  and why are his true followers so passionate about him?
-lets look at a fundamental reality that should set a tone for any convosation about God,faith or religion
-Fortunately,we live in a country that values freedom of religion...every person is entitled to hold
his or her own spiritual,religious or faith-based beliefs
-its not true around the world
-we have the freedom to choose without forcing or imposing our beliefs to others
-its a great luxury and benefit to every religion
- God is a pro-choice!He, Himself gives us freedom to choose,doesnt use force for people to believe
-as long as aperson belief is not immoral,unethincal,illegal or inhumane, we owe each person the respect they deserve
to make their own faith choice
-while we respect the beliefs of others there is nothing wrong to be passionate about our own faith
-in fact its advised! we ought to believe what we believe know what we believe and why,should be able to give
an intelligent,gentle and respectful answer

-Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who ask you,do this with gentleness and respect
-ought to have a strong foundation for our faith and deep convictions for what we believe, and
to be compelled by God's Love to persuade others
-we work urgently with everyone,to get them ready to face God.,realise that how much and deeply we care

-whats the difference between Jesus and..Buddha?,Confucius?,Mohammad?,Hindu Gods?
New age icons?,spiritual world?, the spirit in a man or any religious leader?
-Jesus made a big claim that makes him so different from others (john 14:6 NKJV)
-he didnt claim to be a way,or a truth or a life(if it is like this then, believing in other religion will also work)
-Jesus claimed to be the way,the truth and the life.
-he made a distinction when he states that 'no one comes through the father except through Me'
-this is a very dogmatic claim and it makes all the difference
-he didnt suggest that he was just something else a prophet or religious leader
-he claimed to be God

C.S Lewis,Oxford and Cambrigde professor and renowed authors,said'you must make your choice.Either this man was,and is, the Son of God,
or else a madman or something worse.You can shut him up for a fool,spit at Him and kill Him as a demon or fall to your kness and call him
Lord and God.But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher.He has not left that open to us.
he did not intend to

our response to his claims has major ramifications ofthen makes people uncomfortable and the easy reaction is to be 'all inclusive' or 'anti-christ'
about religious thing

In the world today,and the liberal media,its become perfectably acceptable to diss Jesus, the bible and christianity
but not to any other religion..why the apparent inconsistency?

People struggle with absolutes and perfer relativism,people reject the idea of absolute right and wrong,but rather embrace
a relativisti"whatever-works-for-you"attitude
intrestingly....most relativistic would never apply their ideas on a early morning traffic

the whatever-works-for-you way of thinking dosent works in real life.E.g:if i dont believe in abouslute red lights?
what if i believe that when light is red,it works better for me to go?
if red lights stop you,then by all means stop,but if red means go,then i have to live by my beliefs
there is a ridiculous way of thinking happening of when this attitude takes over the abosolute

-people dont like absolutes.they esp. dont like Jesus blod absolute claim

Unbelivers cant imagine God being so absolute and narrow-minded to make Jesus the only door to his Kingdom
its because they dont know Jesus and whats his point of coming to this hellhole we call earth and their biasness prevents them from receving Him
but Often the believers have not done a very good job of sharing christ in word and deed and wonder why unbelievers are hostile to Jesus

case in point: most school and public places celebrate Halloween.Kwanzaa,Hankukah or a host of other religious events,but
minute someone celebrates Christmas or Easter, there is a bias against Jesus...Santa and Easter bunny are invited while the Son Of God is forgotten
his absolute sets people off

-Jesus is not politically right
oddly doesnt all the anti christ propaganda and jesus bias behaviour around the world serve as a proof for the very veracity of Jesus?
people have no problem talking about God,angels,spiritual things,other religous leaders even prayer but when Jesus name is spoken everyone turns agitated or gets
uncomfatably slient

-the swear word
-what will people say when they hit something hard and it huts them?
-or being irritated of things?
-they want to use words with power,what words they choose?(its not a godly thing to do, but whoose name do they use in vain?)
-the exclaim Jesus Christ
-why?because his name is the name above all names and you never hear people say oh buddha or oh dalai lamaor even conficius

-People wants to use that expletive power, and wants to curse God for the pain and use God names in vain
-Jesus Christ that is ought be evidence that he is in a class of his own,as God
-why cant Jesus be lumped with other spiritual leaders?

-In A league of His own
-Jesus is in an entirely different league thatn any other person or any other religious leader who has ever lived
-Jesus never claimed to be just a religious teacher,rabbi,prophet or aspiritual leader...he claimed to be God!
this put himself into a class of his own(because God is the greatest and no one can share his class)
-Jesus indeed God in human flesh,this difference gives his birth,life,words and death a weight that no other religious leader can claim
-at somepoint everyone has to accept what he/she believes about Jesus
who is He? what did He say? why was He here?

-his not a theory.religion.concept.ideology.Jesus is a person.He is the fulfillment of God's
redemptive plan and hundreds of prophecies
-the new testament gospel accounts tell us that Jesus as the Son of God,Son of Man, the Messiah and
light of the world. known as a great teacer a rabbi preacher healer and miracle worker who was full of truth,grace and compassion
called Saviour,LORD,Redeemer,Lamb of God and the Great (I AM)
-Jesus is the same till eternity,forever and ever, millions of believers over the past 2000 years will attest to that as they tell of their
personal encounters with the living Jesus Christ
-his life has changed the human history
-before anything existed,there was Christ with God,he has always been alive and is Himself GOd.
eveything was created by him and then he came for us but altough he made it so well the people living didnt
recognize him when he came->he was like the prophet without honour that he was chase out by his own people
-The Jews, his own people and land, he was not accepted.Only a few would welcome and recive Him.
-to all that recive him,they were named Child of God,they just need to trust
-Jesus came to save mankind that makes a impact...he was on a divine mission, other religious didnt
say they were they to save mankind they just try to explain how human cam about
-Jesus came to save us from the enemy who had us duped since the Garden Of Eden he wanted to give abundant life from the beginning
-for this purpose he was manifested and to destory the works of the devil

Jesus said ' i have come to give life, it was not candy-coat but straightforwardly plain

-so who is JESUS?God with Us? Liar Liar?

-couldnt imagine why a loving God who was so narrow-minded to make Jesus the ONLY way
what about other religion? -if God is so good and so loving how could He crucify and murder His own Son
why the gory and bloody details?

-we need to understand that its more then just catechism,our understanding to be more than just catechism
-why would God sent his own Son to death?why they gory,the bloody details? didnt God have other options??

-Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,have mercy on me....
-why was Jesus the lamb and why did the sins of the world matter?

Monday 5/7/10 Chinese Project

Today, i went to Randy's house to do erm the video for our Chinese project because our Chinese teacher say it cant be opened which makes no point so we redo everything and even added the bloopers haha thank God for everything the timing and the funny moments we have altogether to do the video and just hope it really works la.....because it would be saddening that we did our work but there's nobody to acknowledge but i know, God has already acknowledge everything i do because of his grace im free to do everything and anything for him, and i have a free will to serve him my God...Your the God i know,righteous and holy, faithful and true, your my tower of refuge thank you Lord! for now till eternity i will serve you! :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Youth day 4/7/2010

Today is Youth day,im glad that there is such a date specially for youths to enjoy on this special day...,today's sermon was great it really impacts me on why im worthy of reaffirmed me of my place in heaven,Christ came for me and my purpose is now to be him because he has become me on Earth that is to suffer for my sins,but he is so willing to be me on Earth so that i could be him on heaven and in God's eyes, im now offically is Christ inside of me, i will live to serve this great god by living the live of how Jesus lives by loving how Jesus loves...and it was all about God's grace that i would be free just as how Peter could answer Jesus that he loves him because it was grace that could take away his denial of Christ during the persecution of Christ with the's game of basketball was fun...totally enjoyed laughing all away on people like Johan, Donne,Ben Lim and etc....thank God for this people in our church or we would be like a square....

P.S.:Grace of God=100% cleanse of sins and 100% renewal of identity

Saturday, July 3, 2010

2/7 Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting was awesome and it was totally cool, since its my 1st time being there,i felt that it takes up more energy then the children service because in there,they have more better and in-depth musicians..but with God all things are possible and everything turn well. Theres no technical issues on the date itself and after the whole Meeting,i went home when my parents decided to eat Crabs at the coffee shop near our house, its was one of the best because when you eat a big meal with the people you know and love, that feeling is there everything is good..somehow met Gabriel downstairs, he was walking inwards to buy dinner..then was like waving to him and calling his name...its was a good day, everything turn out great because my God is great and everything last because my God is an Everlasting God! :)